ADI Part 2 & ADI Part 3 Driving Instructor Training

Training Aid Easy-Guide

Understanding Part 3 is not always straight forward, and working out which training aid you need in order to study can be confusing.

Below you will find a guide to the most common questions we hear. If you're asking the same question, click the link and it'll take you to the product you need - simples!

I've just started training for the ADI Part 3 test, what should I buy?

It can be overwhelming when trainees start studying for Part 3 because of the amount of information they are faced with. DITA Package 1 contains every teaching aid we produce for ADI Part 3. It explains all aspects of the Part 3 Test, from what happens on the day; how the examiner will assess the test; to a breakdown of typical pupil scenarios. It contains teaching aids and visuals designed to be used throughout Part 3 training, during the Part 3 test, and for teaching real pupils after qualification as a driving instructor.

I'm not sure how to teach some pupils

Teaching real pupils in real life scenarios is often very different to instructor training lessons. Real pupils have learning styles that need to be discovered in order for lessons to be enjoyable and easy to remember. A driving instructor needs tools, techniques and strategies to uncover a pupil's strengths and weaknesses - to give client centred lessons that bring out the best in the pupil and the instructor. The How To Teach Learners book has teaching techniques and tools to help Driving Instructors flourish whether teaching Beginners, Partly Trained or Trained pupils.

I'm confused about the Part 3 test

It's crucial that PDIs understand how the Part 3 test works; what to expect and how to approach it. A clear breakdown and explanation of all aspects of Part 3 is important. The Essential Guide to the Part 3 Test book explains how the test works; how the examiner will assess you, how to approach the 17 competencies in order to get a better grade; what happens on the test; the typical pupil scenarios that can occur; the marking sheet and more.

I'm confused about Fault Analysis

Fault analysis is an essential skill required for driving instruction. Working out why a pupil is making mistakes is the stepping stone to correcting it. Many PDI trainees struggle with pupil fault identification, anaylsis and correction, but once they begin to understand it, the level of teaching and confidence rises dramatically.

The examiner said my analysis was weak

Fault remedy goes hand in hand with fault analysis. Both essential for driving instruction. Working out why a pupil is making a mistake is the first step - telling them how to correct it and why they should are the final pieces of the jigsaw. When you master these skills, your level of confidence will rise.

My lesson presenter / teaching aid is too complicated

Pupils need concise and easy to see understand visual aids - over complicated visuals create confusion and may result in extra questions. A clear and concise teaching aid helps learners grasp what is being taught quickly and easily - it also looks more professional.